I'm Almost There!

I am almost there. This is one of the biggest goals I have ever set for myself. It has been 9 months 2 weeks and 4 days since I started breastfeeding my beautiful girl. I started out with small goals- I honestly did not expect to get as far as I have. At first it was 3 months- and that was hell. That was engorgement beyond my wildest dreams. And pain. And alot of confusion- and some tears. Then it was 6 months-  this period of life was colic, dairy allergies, and a cheese craving mamma. And now here I am- 9 months! 

Phoenix and I have the best nursing relationship. She loves the snuggles and I love the ease of it all.I have gone from a nervous, completely uneducated mom to a publicly nursing, nothing but good things to say, well bonded with my daughter mommy.

I have never stuck with a goal before. EVER. I am so proud of myself!And I have no doubt that I will make it to a year and beyond. I told myself I would be so happy to get to a year and I cannot believe I am debating going further than that! This is such a wonderful feeling. I don't think I could ever go back to formula feeding if I ever had another kid. I am hooked and in love.

Breast really is best- for me that is!

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