Girls Night!

I say this all the time- I know, I know! It warrants another say- what a difference a good nights sleep makes! 

I received a phone call from one of my awesome friends last night asking if I was free to have a pizza date. The kids were in bed, Derek was out with his friends for the night, and I was just about to settle down to watch a dog training show.... of course I was free. I was so happy she called me, she had been over earlier to help Derek with something and had seen just how completely frayed my nerves had been. I jumped at the chance for company and a distraction from everything. 
She came over, we ordered tons of terrible for you food and enjoyed eachothers company for hours. We talked and talked and talked. It was amazing. Nothing beats a girls night filled with thoughtful conversation and tons of laughter.

Feast for two!

I went to bed late, exhausted, and happy about it. I have been having the worst time sleeping with this pregnancy induced insomnia. This morning was an easy, smooth wake up with the kids. They were both in awesome moods and I felt rested and clear minded. I am feeling so much better today and I have taken on the task of getting life in order in the form of many many lists. 
I have today's "To-do" list.
A list for things we need to buy to keep packing.
 A grocery list.
A list of all the things we still need to pack. 

I have to stay organized in order to get this all done.

Luckily I have my mother in law coming over all day tomorrow to get a ton done. I will feel so relieved once we are all packed and can begin to transition to their home. I have scoured IKEA ready with a handful of furniture ideas for the kids room. I am so excited to get Phoenix into her own big girl bed! Once everything is settled things are going to be awesome.

With a little sleep I am feel completely ready to tackle this!

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